This milkweed seed won’t be caught long in the dried seed pod
of a cone flower. The prairie wind was trying to shake it loose
as I framed this picture. Fall’s abundance is evident in all the
seeds that are on the move at the moment. Birds and butterflies
are migrating, trees are releasing their leaves, and seeds are airborne.

Mayfield 158th Anniversary Celebration

We will joyfully acknowledge the 158th Anniversary of the Mayfield congregation this Sunday, October 21. After service, we will share a luncheon that will feature three types of soup including one vegan soup. You are invited to bring a salad or dessert to round out the meal. A potluck table is a tasty symbol of the variety of gifts we each add to our common faith life together. In worship we will dedicate the 30 hygiene kits we have prepared for Church World Service and the 24 kits made to be added to ours by residents at the Mendota Lutheran home where Becky’s mom Catherine lives. Your contributions to our anniversary offering will be greatly appreciated.

Reformation Sunday

Sunday, October 28, is Reformation Sunday on our church calendar. It is a day when we are encouraged to wear red, the liturgical color associated with the Spirit. Reformation Sunday reminds us not only of the historic Protestant Reformation of the 16th century but also of the ongoing reformation of the church as Spirit swirls and stirs among and through us. Be on the watch for a special treat at this year’s Reformation Service

Did you know that every $1 donated to the Northern Illinois Food Bank buys $8 of food?  Our contributions can be placed in the offering plate or the food bank box.

Memorial Sunday

November 4th is Memorial Sunday. There are three ways you can share in Memorial Sunday.  (1) Add names to our Memorial List – names need to be given in writing to Martha, on paper or on email, by Wednesday, November 1. Please indicate the person(s) name(s), date(s) or approximate date(s) of death, and what this person’s connection was to you. This information will allow us to have an accurate memorial listing of important deaths for us in the last year.  (2)  Bring small, framed pictures of those on the memorial list or others who have predeceased you. These can be placed on the six window sills in the sanctuary. They will surround us as we worship, our great cloud of witnesses.  (3)  Participate in the second confirmation labyrinth walk at 9:00 am on the lower level of the church. The day’s text will be from the story of Abraham and Sarah, our ancestors in the faith. Join Lars and others as we walk with our ancestors.

Remember:  The Fall Pancake Breakfast will be held on Saturday, November 17, from 6:30-11:00 am. There will be plenty of opportunities to help. Sign-up sheets will be in the Gathering Area at church. Contributions will also be needed for the both the bake table and attic treasures.