Late winter sunrises and sunsets have been beautiful this year in Mayfield Township.
The Bookcase Project
Thank you for this year’s overflowing bookcase; we collected about 300 books. The Bookcase Literacy Banquet will be held this Tuesday, March 13. Our books will be delivered then. The Robs, Ann T., Ann W, Diana, Caroline, Roger and Becky, Sue G, Wilma, and Martha have purchased tickets and will represent us. Martha will be reading a story as part of the program.
Every week new cups from our lives are placed on the altar. Please add yours between now and March 25 if you haven’t already.
Mayfield Fellowship News
Mark your calendars for this year’s events. The Fellowship’s annual retreat will be held on April 7 at MacQueen Forest Preserve on the north side of Kingston. This retreat led by Martha is open to all members and friends of the congregation. It will be a wonderful day in the woods. Registration forms will be in the gathering area at church and will be emailed to you next week. The February 10 meeting will be rescheduled on May 10 at the Somerset Farm Clubhouse and will include a potluck meal and a Zentangle program with Sue Goudey. On June 14 we will be at Mayfield in the Monarch Waystation. Again our meal will be a potluck, and the program will include an enjoyable group project to enhance and ready the Waystation for its appearance on the July 14 DeKalb County Garden Walk.
August 9 JT will host us at the Prairie State Winery where we will have a tour and a chance to purchase our lunch. On October 11 we will be at Oakcrest. We will share lunch in their dining room and have a program provided by Safe Passage. Our annual Christmas meeting will be held on December 13 at Wilma and Rita’s. Bring a dish to share and board books for the Children’s Waiting Room. At this meeting we will divide the money collected by the Fellowship during the year among various agencies and programs in DeKalb County, hear a Christmas story, and participate in a robust rendering of the 12 Days of Christmas.
Spring Pancake Breakfast – Saturday, March 17, 2018 – 6:30-11:00 am
Invite your neighbors and friends to come.
Sign up to help on the sheets in the Gathering Area or let Angela know of your availability.
Bring in baked goods for the Bake Table and items from home for Attic Treasures. All of the proceeds from these Fellowship tables are given away to important programs in the county. Baked goods should be here by early Saturday morning and Attic Treasures by 9:30 on Friday morning. Treasures can also be dropped off at church tomorrow, on Wednesday night when the Council is meeting from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, while the choir is rehearsing on Thursday from 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm or on Friday morning. Please, no electronics for Attic Treasures.
There is a rumor about shamrock-shaped pancakes for our young diners at this year’s breakfast.
One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing is our first UCC offering of the year. We will take this collection during March. June will be providing further information on the offering during worship.
Keep the Plastic Caps and Lids Coming
Every week we get closer and closer to our goal of 800 pounds of caps and lids. Remember that Peggy is keeping a list of various partners who are joining us in this effort. When it comes time to acknowledge them, we hope nobody is left off the list. See Peggy with the names of individuals and groups who are busy collecting with us.
We are grateful for your continued generous gifts for the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Place them in the offering plate or the food bank box.