As February ends, we are on the lookout for signs that the grip of winter is breaking up.  Then openings appear where visible new life starts to flow and thrive again. Lent begins this week on Wednesday. The roots of the word “Lent” mean lengthen.  In the northern hemisphere, Lent is marked by the lengthening of light hours each day.

Come to Breakfast Church at 10:00 am tomorrow. We will participate in a modern adaptation of the early church practice of a meal and worship wrapped together. The Church Council is preparing a delicious meal. We look forward to your presence and participation.

The Bookcase Project

There is no Frigate like a Book
To take us Lands away,
Nor any Coursers like a Page
of prancing Poetry –
This Travel may the poorest take
Without offence of Toll –
How frugal is the Chariot
That bears the Human soul.
(Emily Dickinson)

February 23, 1455 is the date remembered for the initial printing of the Gutenberg Bible, the first example of a mass produced book. In the western world, this is the birthday of the printed book by virtue of the action of Johannes Gutenberg who invented the printing press. What a wonderful day for us to bring more books to fill up our bookcase for the 2020 Bookcase Project. Offerings of new and gently-used picture books will be received through next Sunday, March 1, when we will dedicate them in worship. Mark your calendars – the public is invited on Saturday afternoon, May 9, 3:00 pm at Faranda’s when this year’s children from the Two Rivers Head Start program receive their books and bookcases. During March our children, with help from Becky, will be crafting bookmarks to go along with the books and bookcases

Current Sign-Up Sheets
Bulletins — $7 per week – there are Sundays available later in the year.
Liturgists and Hospitality Hosts are needed for Sundays in March.
Thank you for filling in the empty spaces. And the April calendar is up too.

Ash Wednesday – February 26, 2020 – Come and worship with us at 6:30 pm as the season of Lent opens.

March Intergenerational Labyrinth Walks will be held on March 8 and March 22 at 9:00 am. New walkers of any age are always welcome to join us.


This year’s Transformation Through Rhythm concert will benefit JAMS and will be held on Friday night, March 20, 7:00 pm, at DeKalb High School.  Spread the word.  If you have never attended one of these concerts before, you are in for a treat.  Percussionists in several groups from elementary school children through college age students and adults will thrill you with their skill and the spirit of their playing.  Check in with Jen if you have questions about this musical celebration.

Mayfield Fellowship Retreat

This year’s Mayfield Fellowship Retreat for members and friends of Mayfield will be held on Saturday, March 28th at Russell Woods Forest Preserve, 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. Will you be returning or coming for the first time on March 28th? Consider asking someone you know to join us on retreat. The fee for the day will be $20 and will include lunch and all materials. We will focus on the theme of Sabbath as we take a day for rest, renewal, and recognition of the giftedness of life in the midst of all the demands and commitments of our days. Registration forms will be emailed to you this week.

Plants, Pollinators, and Prayers

The documentary that Randy has patiently been working on for years now, the story of the development and growth of our Monarch Waystation, will have its world premier on Tuesday night, April 7, 6:30 pm at the DeKalb County Farm Bureau (Peace and Bethany Roads). Who would you like to invite to share this story in film with us?