We carry around a mosaic of prayer joys and concerns all the time.
These are the prayers that have been shared recently for our attention.

Joys and Concerns

  • TJ and Sue
  • Mary H.
  • Virginia (Carolyn’s mom), Catherine (Becky’s mom) and other residents of long term care facilities, their families, and the staff members who serve them
  • the leaders of Mayfield Church including Pastor Martha and Moderator Dawn
  • any who are in essential services such as food and trucking, including Craig
  • all health care workers, including Amanda and Pia
  • Julia, former exchange student with Peggy and Mitch, and her family who live in northern Italy
  • Sandy, former Special Olympics Director for the Wheaton Area, and her husband Bob. Bob has been diagnosed with a very serious cancer.
  • those who are mourning in this time
  • the presence of birdsong and green shoots rising as spring takes hold
  • acts of kindness that inspire and connect us
  • the creative new ways of reaching out and serving those who are vulnerable or in need that are springing up everywhere.

Solidarity At 8

Following the example of people in Spain, France, Italy, and Israel, people in the United States are being invited daily at 8 pm to pause and express gratitude to health care and wellness workers who are on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic. In Europe people applaud or sing at their windows or out on their balconies.  In Israel people blink their lights on and off. You could light a candle, offer a round of applause, cheer, breathe “thank you” in and out, do something musical, or engage in any other prayer or gratitude practice regularly at 8 pm. If Solidarity At 8 spreads around the globe, there will be a rhythm of gratitude and support 24/7.  I am going to use the ancient Celtic ritual of the caim, or encircling prayer, an embodied ritual for presence and protection.  I would enjoy hearing about what you choose to do nightly as part of Solidarity At 8.