Your donation enables us to continue our 165 year tradition of affirming others, social justice, and giving back to our community.
Do you lie awake at 2 a. m. wondering how many ways you can donate to Mayfield Congregational United Church of Christ?
Let us help you count them!
1. To make an electronic donation through PayPal or Credit Card click on the yellow donate button above. Select Mayfield Church Offering or Mayfield Church Preservation Fund. Please consider paying the processing fee. Your donation will be sent directly to the Mayfield Church Account.
2. Drop a donation in the white lattice box in the Mayfield Church Narthex.
3. Make a check out to Mayfield Church UCC and mail to: 28405 Church Rd., Sycamore, IL 60178.
4. Use your bank online bill pay option.
Thanks for your generous giving!