Mayfield Church is a body of fair-minded, free-thinking followers of Christ. Members and friends of Mayfield work together in love and fellowship, united but not uniform. We are farmers, students, retired persons, trades workers, and professors.
At Mayfield we believe the Bible is a sacred text that has come to us from God through many different people and out of a complex history of the early Christian Church. We explore its meaning for our own day through study, prayer, and fellowship, sure in our faith that “God Is Still Speaking” to a new generation of Christians and seekers.
Mayfield Church is an Open and Affirming (ONA) congregation, which means that LGBT persons are welcome to participate fully in the life of our church. Our constitution affirms that God knows, cares for, and loves all persons; forgives and reconciles all persons; and sustains and empowers all persons.
Mayfield Church is handicapped accessible. Large print bulletins and hymns are available on request. Please send us a request through Contact Us on the Home Page if you wish to have large-print materials prepared in advance.
Mayfield Church is proud of its deep roots in rural DeKalb County and long tradition of social justice. Mayfield Church began as a Wesleyan Methodist Church in 1860. The first pastor, William Nickerson, was a leader and tireless advocate for abolition. Under his leadership, the church was a station on the Underground Railroad, protecting and assisting refugee slaves on their way to freedom via Lake Michigan. The history of anti-slavery activism in Mayfield Township and Sycamore, Illinois, is featured in a 2002 documentary film by James Macon, “Wade in the Water: A History of the Underground Railroad in DeKalb County, Illinois.” Read more in The Underground Railroad in DeKalb County, Illinois (2013) by Nancy Beasley.