Happy New Year!
I can hardly wait until January 9th when Mayfield ’s KINDNESS CHALLENGE takes off!

How many people can we impact by being nice? In tiny inconspicuous ways and ones that make a big splash. Things that affect one, or a few, or a bunch! The plan is to
intentionally share God’s love and inspire others to be happy over three weeks.

I will talk more about the Challenge during worship on Jan. 9th.

This is not the KINDNESS CHALLENGE I envisioned when I put it on the calendar. I had thought we would be doing several projects together, standing side by side, making a difference together. Instead, we are keeping our distance from each other out of love (which is itself a kindness).

Although separate, we certainly can still take on the KINDNESS CHALLENGE. We have an opportunity to be even more creative in finding ways to be kind and helpful to others.

The January Weekly Calendars will have some ideas, but what else can you dream up?
Reach out, have some fun, and build relationships.

Zoom in at 9:30 on Sunday mornings before worship to share what you’ve been doing!

“There’s more fun in the many. Essentially, that’s what life is about: building relationships.”-Aseelah
“You just have to show up because you genuinely love your neighbor.”-Martin
These are quotes from people offering insights in “Good Practices for Building Community Across Difference”, a short video produced by the Interreligious Institute in Chicago.

We say we love our neighbors. We say Mayfield is friendly. The KINDNESS CHALLENGE offers us a specific time to prove it, to remind everyone, and all of us at the same time.

Reach out and bring some sunshine to others. In God’s light we see light; let’s share that light!

Pastor Lauri