There is so much noise in our lives. A chorus of voices calls out to us. There are voices from people selling things; voices of our children and grandchildren; voices of fear slowing our steps; voices from across our region, nation, and world; voices of pain grabbing our attention; voices from within our deepest selves. Like our biblical ancestors, we face the question of how to distinguish between a divine voice in our lives, the voice of God seeking encounter with us, and all those other voices.
Come away with us for a day of retreat as we slow down and quiet to listen around this question. With a variety of activities throughout the day, we will seek to know more clearly the voice of God calling our name in the rhythm of daily life.
Presented by Pastor Martha Brunell. Sponsored by Mayfield Women’s Fellowship. Both men and women are welcome to participate. Lunch will be provided. Cost: $15. Registration required. Forms are available at the church or send an email (subject line: Retreat) with name, address, and phone to Please respond by April 6.